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Client Projects

Leaf in Glass
Heritage Lost web.jpg

Heritage Lost

science fiction book cover illustration

Release date: December 9, 2019

This is a science fiction book cover illustration for an up-and-coming author.


My client wanted a dream-like space scene with her characters falling through it. We discovered it would also be interesting to have the background and characters interact with the title to create an immersive feeling – something to make you want to see more.

Leaf in Glass
Lyrical Pearls 2560x1600.jpg
Lyrical Pearls Guidebook 2560x1600 copy.

Lyrical Pearls

poetry e-book cover illustration

These are two e-book cover designs for a poetry book series.


My client really wanted these covers to have the look of a vintage book. So I took a lot of inspiration from beautiful book designs of the past to create this vintage-style texture and illustration.

Heroes Frame Mockup.jpg

Heroes | Program Cover Art

Grand Rapids Comic Con program back cover contest winner

This piece won in a contest for Grand Rapids Comic Con's program cover artists.


This piece will be on the back cover of the 2020 program as well as be used for the VIP t-shirt design.


I wanted to go for a vibrant and active scene for this entry and capture what it might feel like to be surrounded by your favorite heroes.

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